Victorian Bioenergy Network

The Victorian Bioenergy Network (VBN) is a prominent industry body in Victoria dedicated to advancing bioenergy as a sustainable and renewable energy source. As a member-driven organization, our mission is to foster collaboration with state and local governments, industry stakeholders, and diverse sectors to promote the use of biomass for energy production.

VBN is committed to the development of bioenergy in Victoria, recognizing its critical role in establishing a thriving bioeconomy and supporting a low-carbon circular economy.  We unite professionals and enthusiasts in the field of bioenergy to enhance collective knowledge, establish robust networks, and identify efficiencies in bioenergy production. By connecting stakeholders across the entire supply chain, VBN endeavors to serve as a trusted and authoritative source of information on bioenergy in Victoria, thereby contributing significantly to the region’s energy sustainability and economic prosperity.


Bioenergy is a
baseload renewable
energy that creates
more local jobs
than any other


Meredith Dairy

Meredith Dairy installed a biomass heating system to reduce LPG use for heating the large amount of hot water the dairy uses daily.  


Beaufort Hospital

The boiler system at Beaufort Hospital uses woodchips from the local sawmill as fuel and provides most of the hospital’s heating load previously delivered by an LPG system. 



During processing oat hulls are separated from the grain and end up as a by-product. These hulls are an excellent biomass fuel.


Bioenergy FAQ

What is Bioenergy?

Bioenergy is a form of renewable energy derived from recently living organic materials, collectively known as biomass. Victoria is an agricultural and food manufacturing hub of Australia and currently generates significant amount of agricultural, forestry and food / garden waste. Transforming this organic waste into energy is the cornerstone of the circular economy. The conversion of biomass into energy can take various forms. It can be directly burned to produce heat or electricity. Biomass can also be converted into biogas through anaerobic digestion, a biological process, or into synthetic gas (syngas) through gasification, a partial combustion method. These biogases can serve as alternatives to natural gas and LPG, both of which are fossil fuels.

Furthermore, biomass can be transformed into transportation fuels, such as compressed biogas, ethanol produced from fermented biomass, and biodiesel derived from vegetable oils and fats. Emerging cellulosic biofuels, including green petrol and diesel, can be produced directly from plant matter. Essentially, for every fossil fuel-based product, there exists an equivalent replacement that can be derived from biomass.

Is Bioenergy a truly renewable form of energy?

Yes, it is if the fuel used comes from sustainably managed sources.  Plants use photosynthesis to turn sunlight, CO2 and water into the cellulose in their leaves and stems and this is how energy and carbon is stored.  When biomass is burned, the process is reversed and the carbon dioxide together with water vapour and energy in the form of heat is released.  When plants are regrown, as with crops or plantations, the carbon dioxide is reabsorbed by the growing plants and the cycle continues.  Provided the amount of biomass harvested annually is less than the annual growth rate for total area of farmland, plantation or forest, then bioenergy is renewable because the carbon is recycled and not added to atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. 

How expensive is Bioenergy compared to wind or solar energy?

Per kilowatt of peak/rated output, bioenergy systems are two to three times the cost of wind or solar but, unlike wind or solar, bioenergy is an “on demand” form of energy.  This means it doesn’t need storage and can produce much more energy over a full year. When the cost of sufficient storage to maintain a similar output is included, bioenergy systems are actually much, much cheaper than wind or solar.  The operating costs of a bioenergy system can be high depending on fuel costs.  If the fuel is a freely available residual product like sawdust or nut shells, then the cost is minimal.  Highly processed fuels such as wood pellets can be expensive. 

What fuels can be used for Bioenergy?

Almost any organic material can be used to create bioenergy.  This material is often a by-product or residual resource from existing agricultural, forestry or industrial process but can also include human wastes such a food, and garden matter as well as sewerage.  There is a wide range of technologies available to utilise the full range of wastes.

Who do I talk to about getting a Bioenergy system installed in my home or business?

For your basic wood heater, there are numerous hardware and heating businesses that can help.  For more complex and larger systems, especially for electricity production, there is only a limited number of suppliers/installers at present.  It’s something the Victorian Bioenergy Network hopes to change but if you are having trouble finding a supplier, please Contact Us.